Create your own Helm Repo

Helm / July 05, 2018

Helm is a Package Manager for Kubernetes. Here’s a good getting started tutorial on Helm Charts.

My Helm Chart Repo is exposed on

My Helm Repo

Add a new Repo

Add that to your repos using.

helm repo add welagedara

Check if the Repo got added succefully

helm repo list

Update the Repos by using this command

helm repo update

Finally install hello-world. The latest version will be installed if –version flag is not set.

helm install welagedara/hello-world 

How to update the Repo

Check for errors using lint command

helm lint ./hello-world/

Package it

helm package ./hello-world/

Update index.yaml

helm repo index ./

Push the artifacts to Github

git push origin master

Upgrade and Rollback

Install the app from local

helm install ./hello-world

Upgrade the app

helm upgrade --set replicaCount=2,image.tag="1.13" <helm name> ./hello-world

To check revison number

helm list -a


helm history <helm name>

To rollback

helm rollback <helm name> <revision number>

Here is an example.

helm rollback needled-hog 1

Upgrade and Rollback using an external yaml

Install the app

helm install -f ./hello-world-helm.yaml ./hello-world

Upgrade the app

helm upgrade -f ./hello-world-helm-upgraded.yaml <helm name> ./hello-world

To check revison number

helm list -a

or bash

helm history <helm name>

To rollback

helm rollback <helm name> <revision number>

Here is an example

helm rollback early-ladybird 1

Photo Credits

unsplash-logoJason Coudriet