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Enable HTTPS on your Website for Free

Https , Ssl , Certbot , Letsencrypt / May 31, 2019

It’s true. You do not have to pay 200 bucks just to get HTTPS working on your Website.

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Overriding Primary Key Generation Strategy in JPA + Liquibase Cont...

Spring , Jpa / May 14, 2019

My last post titled Overriding Primary Key Generation Strategy in JPA + Liquibase discusses how Spring Boot Application can work with multiple databases.

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Getting Started with Homebrew

Homebrew / January 14, 2019

Homebrew is an Open Source Package Manager for macOS.

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Enable HTTPS on your Website for Free Cont...

Https , Ssl , Certbot , Letsencrypt / May 31, 2019

Now let’s try to automate the certificate generation. For this I am going to refer to a post published on Please do exercise caution when you try the scripts below as they will change all the TXT records in your domain.

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Overriding Primary Key Generation Strategy in JPA + Liquibase

Spring , Jpa / May 10, 2019

How do you write a Spring Boot backend which supports all the SQL databases known to mankind. I’m just kidding. I have only tried this with H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle in one single application.

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Customizing Spring Security

Spring / December 17, 2018

In this post I want to explain how Spring Security can be customized since it seems to be difficult to find any solid documentation around this available on internet. I am going to use a custom API Key based authentication example to demonstrate how Spring Security can be configured for your needs.

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