Production Kubernetes with DevOps Part 2 - The Ingress
Kubernetes , Cicd / July 08, 2018
I am going to deploy everything in one Cluster since Kubernetes Clusters are expensive. Then I am going to move the LDAP into that cluster since it is not required to have it outside now.
Create a Static IP
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project <project id>
Then connect to the cluster using the connection string given.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials kube-main --zone us-central1-a --project kubefire-209619
Then create the Global IP
gcloud compute addresses create devops-tools-ip --global
gcloud compute addresses describe devops-tools-ip --global
Add the DNS Entries
Deploy the Ingress
Now go ahead and deploy the Ingress. I am not using SSL for now.
gcloud compute addresses delete devops-tools-ip --global
- Add the default backend