Overriding Primary Key Generation Strategy in JPA + Liquibase

Spring , Jpa / May 10, 2019

How do you write a Spring Boot backend which supports all the SQL databases known to mankind. I’m just kidding. I have only tried this with H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle in one single application.

I am sure by now you are familiar with how Version Control works. A Version Control like Git will help you keep track of your source code. How do you keep track of your database changes the same way you track your source code?


Liquibase is an open- source solution to manage your database revisions. I am not going to go into minor details about liquibase as its documentation is quite exhaustive.

This is how you get Liquibase to work.

First add your dependency.

dependencies {

    // Liquibase


Create db.changelog-master.yaml inside src/main/resources/db/changelog. This is the master file to which you need to keep adding the changes. To effectively track changes to the database keep adding the changelog files to this.


    - include:
        file: db.changelog-1.0.0.yaml
        relativeToChangelogFile: true

    - include:
        file: db.changelog-1.1.0.yaml
        relativeToChangelogFile: true

    - include:
        file: db.changelog-1.2.0.yaml
        relativeToChangelogFile: true


Now create your Change Logs db.changelog-1.0.0.yaml, db.changelog-1.1.0.yaml and db.changelog-1.2.0.yaml inside the same directory.

# db.changelog-1.0.0.yaml
# Create bank table
    - property:
        name: autoIncrement
        value: true
        dbms: mysql
    - changeSet:
        id: 1_0_0_0
        author: pubuduwelagedara
            - createTable:
                tableName: bank
                    - column:
                        name: id
                        type: int
                            primaryKey: true
                            nullable: false
                        autoIncrement: ${autoIncrement}
                    - column:
                        name: name
                        type: varchar(255)
                            nullable: false
    - changeSet:
        id: 1_0_0_1
        author: pubuduwelagedara
        dbms: h2,postgresql,oracle
            - createSequence:
                sequenceName: seq_bank_id
                startValue: 1
                incrementBy: 5

Now let’s see what’s inside db.changelog-1.0.0.yaml. The DSL here creates a table with the name bank with two columns if the database is MySQL. The id column is auto- incremented.

If the database is H2, PostgreSQL or Oracle, the DSL creates a table with two columns and a sequence to generate the primary key. The id column here does not have auto- increments enabled as H2, PostgreSQL and Oracle can support database sequences.

Here is a good article on Primary Key Generation.

Overriding the Primary Key Generation Strategy

Here is the Bank entity in my Spring Project.

package online.pubudu.openbankingapi.integration.database.entity;

import javax.persistence.*;

 * {@link Bank} Entity.
 * @author pubudu welagedara
 * @see <a href="http://pubudu.online">pubudu.online</a>
public class Bank {

    @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,  generator = "seq_bank_id")
    @SequenceGenerator(name="seq_bank_id",sequenceName="seq_bank_id", allocationSize=5)
    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String name;

    public Bank() {

    public Bank(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Long id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

GenerationType.SEQUENCE will only work for databases that support sequences. For MySQL I need to override this.

Now I will create a mysql-orm.xml file inside /src/main/resources/db/orm/.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<entity-mappings xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence/orm"
    <entity class="Bank" access="FIELD">
            <id name="id">
                <generated-value strategy="IDENTITY"/>

mysql-orm.xml file activates GenerationType.IDENTITY. To override the Java configuration I will point spring.jpa.mapping-resources to mysql-orm.xml. With this configuration in application-mysql.yaml, I can activate mysql profile to get my application working with MySQL.

# application-mysql.yaml
    # Show SQL. DO NOT use this in production.
    show-sql: true
        dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL57Dialect
        ddl-auto: none # None by Default
        # Beautify SQL
        format_sql: true
    # To override the Primary Key Generation Strategy for MySQL
      - db/orm/mysql-orm.xml

    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbankingapi
    username: root
    password: root

Source Code

Sadly I do not have any source code to demonstrate this in my GitHub right now. If I get a chance to create a demo project I will post an update with its link.

Photo Credits

unsplash-logoDebby Hudson unsplash-logoSylvie Tittel