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The Gaming Rig Part 4; The POST Test

Hardware / November 15, 2018

I don’t get to assemble computers everyday. So cut me some slack if I get something wrong.

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The Gaming Rig Part 2; Stuff I bought

Hardware / November 14, 2018

Here are the things I bought.

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Program-O AIML Chatbots

Aiml , Chatbots / October 30, 2018

Program-O used to be a popular Open Source AI Framework. Let's use it to build a Chatbot.

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The Gaming Rig Part 3; ESD

Hardware / November 15, 2018

You might want to protect your electronic components from being destroyed by ESD( Electrostatic Discharge).

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Jenkins Helm Chart for Kubernetes

Kubernetes , Helm , Jenkins / November 04, 2018

Installing Jenkins on Kubernetes for your CI and CD Pipelines sounds like a daunting task until you get to know that you can do that with Helm Charts.

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Setting up OpenLDAP for Jenkins, Jira, SonarQube & Dokuwiki

Ldap / October 30, 2018

OpenLDAP integrated with Jenkins, Jira, Sonqrqube & Dokuwiki for centralized Authentication and Authorization

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