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Use a Custom Domain to send Emails with Mailgun

Email , Mailgun , Dns / July 07, 2018

This is something pretty straight forward. There are two options for you to do that.

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Use a Custom Domain to receive Emails with Mailgun Part 1

Email , Mailgun , Dns / July 07, 2018

The next thing you want after purchasing your new domain is to get an email address with that domain name.

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Responsive YouTube for Jekyll

Web / July 06, 2018

A huge shout-out goes to eduardoboucas for figuring this out. He has written a long blog post on this.

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Use a Custom Domain to receive Emails with Mailgun Part 2

Email , Mailgun , Dns / July 07, 2018

I got a response from Mailgun within a few hours saying now my domain is enabled. Looks like the domain is active now. Emails to are now getting delivered :blush:.

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Bare-metal Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with just Docker

Cicd / July 07, 2018

I wanted to demonstrate how all pieces fit together in an environment with microservices. This is that demo.

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OpenShift for Dummies ft. My Slides

Openshift / July 06, 2018

Download the PDF version of this presentation here.

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