Overriding Primary Key Generation Strategy in JPA + Liquibase Cont...

Spring , Jpa / May 14, 2019

My last post titled Overriding Primary Key Generation Strategy in JPA + Liquibase discusses how Spring Boot Application can work with multiple databases.

The Source Code here demonstrates what I explained in the aforementioned post.

Getting Started

Before running the Java Application use the Shell Scripts in the project root to get a database running.


Change the Spring Profile to activate the configuration for the database of your choice.

    active: dev,mysql

Working with Oracle

run_oracle.sh will need an Oracle XE Image. To create this image please refer to their GitHub.

In addition you will need the Oracle Driver added as a dependency. For that you can do one of the following.

  • Download the jar file from Oracle. Put that inside a libs directory and update build.gradle with the following.
// ...

repositories {
	flatDir {
		dirs 'libs'

dependencies {
    // ...
	runtimeOnly name:'ojdbc6-'

	// ...
  • If you have an Enterprise Artifactory with the Driver get it from there.

Note that the first option is not recommended for production.

Photo Credits

unsplash-logoFranki Chamaki