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Custom Domains for GitHub Pages

Jekyll / July 05, 2018

GitHub Documentation on Setting up Custom Domains will not that great if you do not know what you are supposed to do.

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Scrolling with the Highlighter

Jekyll / July 04, 2018

You will notice that the highlighted text seems to overflow on smaller screens.

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Getting Started with Jekyll

Jekyll / July 03, 2018

GitHub Pages are awesome! Who doesn’t want to host a website directly from the repo. No Continuous Integration Servers. No Apache Web Servers. You just need your HTML.

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Create your own Helm Repo

Helm / July 05, 2018

Helm is a Package Manager for Kubernetes. Here’s a good getting started tutorial on Helm Charts.

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Responsive Images

Jekyll / July 04, 2018

Jekyll does not support responsive images out of the box. There are plugins that can do that.

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